SPP in the procurement process
As a procurer, you are responsible for the implementation of your organisation's policies in the field of sustainable public procurement (SPP). It is therefore important that you are fully aware of the themes your organisation wishes to emphasise and their chosen level of aspiration.
As a procurer, you are responsible for the implementation of your organisation's policies in the field of sustainable public procurement (SPP). SPP is tailored to the individual circumstances of the situation. As a procurer, it is therefore important that you are fully aware of the themes your organisation wishes to emphasise and their chosen level of aspiration. You can set minimum requirements, for instance, but you can also formulate more aspirational award-based invitations to tender.
From prescribing to inviting
As a procurer, you are expected to maintain a certain level of aspiration with regard to SPP. Your organisation may, for example, have agreed to implement minimum environmental criteria for all public procurements, or perhaps innovation is high on the agenda.
Further details: From prescribing to inviting
Check-list for sustainable public procurement
SPP may be customised, but there are still some common points for consideration. The "Check-list for sustainable public procurement" outlines common points to consider. It will guide you step by step through the most important points for consideration and provide tips on how to involve internal clients.
Further details: Check-list for sustainable public procurement