6. Choosing an appropriate approach
The most appropriate methodologay for a specific procurement depends on on your responses to the questions highlighted earlier, and particularly on the selected level of aspiration.
In MEAT, tenders are not assessed on price alone. In tendering, the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) approach is used to assign worth to qualitative aspects such as sustainability. This makes it possible to arrive at an objective assessment which includes externalities.
Best value procurement
Best value procurement is a procurement method in which tenders are assessed according to the principle that the greatest value must be obtained at the lowest price. It is a system that puts the contractor in the driving seat.
Competitive dialogue
The competitive dialogue procedure can be used to award particularly complex contracts in cases where you can not use a public or private procedure. A contract is considered to be particularly complex if you are unable to specify in advance the technical resources involved, or the legal or financial terms of the contract.
Innovation partnership
The innovation partnership is a relatively new public procurement method aimed at the development of as yet non-existent, innovative supplies, services or works for the contracting authority.